Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What does it mean to vote pro-life first?

In this entry, I will first point out why we should vote pro-life first. Then, I will discuss which candidate I will be voting for this election, and why. I will conclude by offering some words as to what it really means to vote pro-life first and what steps we can take to make a difference through voting and our political voice. Though this entry will be mainly geared towards Americans, I encourage everyone around the world to thoughtfully read this and consider what you can do in your country to make a difference.

With the I Vote Pro-Life First webcast from Students for Life of America coming up on Thursday night at 9pm EST, I thought it an appropriate time to voice my own opinion on this issue.

I ask that you read this entire entry before forming an opinion of it. I know that not everyone will agree with what I have to say in this entry, and that's okay. I am glad that we can all have differing opinions. You may agree with parts of what I have to say, you may agree with me completely, or you may disagree completely. You are free to post your opinions in the comments section below, but please note the rules for posting first. I ask that, even if you disagree with me, each other, and the politicians mentioned, you show respect, and have a calm, loving debate.

"A gentle answer will calm a person's anger, but an unkind answer will cause more anger."

I feel like, in the last year in particular, American women have been stuck in the middle of a boxing ring. In the left corner, we have Obama and Planned Parenthood telling us that the most important thing to women is defending the "right" to abortion, because it "liberates" women and is a "health" issue. In the right corner, we have the Republicans downplaying the issue of life. I have read so many articles, especially from Townhall, that make it seem like women care about nothing but the economy. As a young American woman with a virtually useless college degree and a part-time job, I can agree that I care very much about the economy. However, I care even more about ending abortion. Here's why:

1. What issue can be more important than ending the slaughter of innocents? Our country has legalized murder, and according to many Republicans, that is a side issue? It should be front and center!

2. How can we trust our government officials with anything if we can't trust them to protect life?

3. What kind of person am I if I care more about my job than the lives of innocent babies and the welfare of scared and deceived women?

4. The Bible tells us not to worry about money or shelter, etc. - but it does tell us to stand up for those who need us, to protect children, and to respect the sanctity of life.

5. Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me." 
     Matthew 25:40

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out-- 
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-- 
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."
-Martin Niemöller

This campaign season is not something that I take lightly. Unfortunately, during the 2008 presidential election,   I was only 20 years old and backsliding in my faith. I was spending time with people who were not good influences, and I was not doing my own homework when it came to understanding the issues at hand. I supported (though, did not vote for, as I was away from home) President Obama. When he was elected, I joined an impromptu party in the middle of my university campus, celebrating the victory of the first "black" president. That seemed to be all that anyone cared about. Economy, what economy? Well, we sure are sorry for it now.

Throughout the last year, I did a lot of research on all the candidates and chose who to support very carefully this time around. I considered all issues, but at the center of my requirements was the platform of ending abortion.

I believe that, from the start of the race, Ron Paul was always the most pro-life candidate. I know others may disagree because of things they have heard about him, or because they don't like some of his other positions (let me make it clear that I do not agree with him on every issue, and I don't think I've ever met anyone who has agreed 100% with their candidate of choice, either.)

Now, with other candidates such as Michelle Bachman and Rick Santorum dropping out earlier on, rumors of Dr. Paul possibly endorsing Gary Johnson - a third-party candidate who many have never heard of - after the Republican National Convention, and flip-flopper and exceptions for abortion supporter Mitt Romney accepting the Republican candidacy - despite a lot of controversy - we all must make a decision.

Video: Romney Abortion Fairy Tale SC, 59 seconds long.
So, this 2012 United States presidential campagin season, we have a few options:

1. We can choose to vote for Romney, who most pro-life leaders admit they do not trust, and pray that he will stop flip-flopping and become a solid pro-life president.

2. We can vote our conscious and vote for the candidate of our choosing, knowing that without our support, Romney may lose to Obama, as they are about neck-and-neck according to the polls. Four more years of Obama would be devastating for many reasons, but it would be particularly crushing to the pro-life movement, possibly destroying much of the work we have put in. However, at least we could say that we voted for someone we believed in.

3. We can choose not to vote at all, as many of my Christian brothers and sisters are doing, because they do not believe that any of the candidates, in or out of the race, are solid enough Christians, and that their time is better spent sharing the Gospel than dealing with politics. I certainly agree with them that the Gospel is the most important thing. I also agree with them that Romney - a Mormon - is not a Christian. Obama, a self-proclaimed "Christian," is also not a Christian. Let us remember, though, as my good friend Pastor Andrew Rappaport of Striving for Eternity Ministries reminded me, that we're not voting for a pastor, we're voting for a president. To my fellow Christians - we are all convicted by different things. Pray about it, and follow where you believe God is leading you. We must all remember not to idolize politics, but we also must remember that our religious freedom is at stake this election.

Now, I cannot tell you how to vote. Ultimately, that is up to you. Personally, after much thought, research, and prayer, I have come to the conclusion that I will be supporting Romney for the rest of the campaign. However, after the November election, no matter who wins, my support of the campaign for Rand Paul and Justin Amash 2016 begins.

I am and always will be a fan of Dr. Ron Paul. I will continue to support his endeavors now and after his retirement. I have such respect for him as a brother in Christ and someone to look up to as a father, husband, Ob/Gyn, and politician. I am so thankful for all he has done for our country and his advancements of the Libertarian movement. I know that many of my friends who support Dr. Paul will be disappointed, maybe even angry, that I will not write him in, but I hope they will take the time to read and consider the rest of this entry. In the end, I will still love and support them no matter who they vote for.

Why I am voting for Romney despite the fact that he had been one of my last choices in the beginning? 

Well, he made a good strategic move by picking Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan as his running mate. I had not heard of Ryan before that, but what I know of him now sounds a lot better than Romney by himself. In fact, it is funny and kind of sad that Ryan seems to be far more popular and supported than Romney in this election. Unfortunately, it seems that Ryan also supports abortion in cases of rape and incest, like Romney. Thankfully though, he has a much stronger pro-life voting record than Romney. It also seems like Ryan could do some good for the country on other issues such as the economy, which is always a plus.

I am voting for Romney because I do believe that it is important to get Obama out of the White House. I do believe in voting for the lesser of two evils, because none of us are perfect.

"As it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one."

I am voting for Romney because, at this point in time, because of his wealthy campaign, the media, and the way that others are voting, he stands the best chance of beating Obama - not so much because of his platform, but because his campaign has had the most attention on it.

I am not voting Romney into office so much as I am voting President Obama out of office - because a man who thinks babies are a punishmentsupports abortion, campaigns with Planned Parenthood, votes in support of partial-birth abortion, and would rather that babies born alive during an abortion be left to die than given to a loving family, cannot possibly lead our country anywhere good.

I am voting for Romney because I'm not so sure that we'll get another chance to vote if "King Obama" is given four more years in office. I am concerned about the illegal, tyrannical laws our president has signed into place, and I want another chance in 2016 to support someone I believe in - someone that I think will overturn Roe v. Wade and its sister cases, and truly care about freedom and a better America.

Who you vote for is up to you. You can vote for someone other than Romney and still be voting pro-life. I will not judge you for your vote. I urge you to carefully consider your vote, though. Spend time in prayer about it. Read up on the issue and the candidates. I would also like to point out that, despite there being a Republican symbol on the graphic I created and posted at the top of this entry, a candidate does not necessarily need to be Republican in order to be pro-life. 

Not too long ago I was talking to Bryan Kemper of Stand True Christ Centered Pro-Life, and he asked me who I was going to vote for if Ron Paul was not nominated. Bryan knew that I was a big Ron Paul supporter and very involved in the pro-life movement, so he was curious and concerned about my vote. I answered him honestly: I did not know, and I was taking it to God. We do not need to make hasty decisions about our political support, and we shouldn't take our vote lightly.

If Romney is elected, I do believe that we can use his time in office to make ourselves known. We must put the pressure on Romney to keep true to his pro-life promises. We must influence him to support life in all cases. We should pray for him - for his salvation, and his conversation on the pro-life issue. 

We must continue to spread the pro-life message in all that we do - because the president of the United States is not the most powerful person in the world - YOU ARE. Each and every one of us has the power to do something remarkable. With Christ leading us and the Holy Spirit guiding us, we can end abortion. 

No matter who you choose to vote for, I have some suggestions that can help the advancement of the pro-life cause:

  • We should to continue to be involved in local and state politics. Tell your representatives that we pay their salary, we vote them in or out, and we vote pro-life first! Local elections are just as, if not more, important to the pro-life movement as national elections.
  • We can show the world who the true extremists on abortion are. I do not mind being called an extremist if it means standing up for the unborn. Most Americans do not support "social" or "elective" abortions, and are misinformed and under-educated about Obama's extreme support of abortion.
  • We must to explain to our loved ones, neighbors, co-workers, etc. why we feel so passionately about ending abortion. Through loving conversations, providing resources, and being there for them, we can make a difference and help to change hearts.
  • We need to be a voice for those who cannot speak. We need to open the eyes of those who are blinded by lies. We need to make a commitment to do our part in the pro-life movement - however big or small that part may be.

The first stepRegister to vote if you haven't already, and sign the I Vote Pro-Life First pledge to let politicians know where you stand.

The next step: Continue to tune in to this blog and Facebook page, as well as your other favorite pro-life sources to keep up with the current events of the movement and ways that you can help out locally, nationally, and globally through small actions such as donations and signing petitions, and big actions like volunteering at a crisis pregnancy center or holding an event in your area.

Note: This blog entry does not necessarily reflect the views of all pro-life and American women. The opinions in this entry belong solely to the Women Against Abortion administrator, Amber.


  1. Awesome Blog Amber! Excellent points and I agree with you about voting for Romney. We're really not voting for Romney as much as we are voting for our country. Another term of Hussein Obama will completely destroy us. I love the Rand Paul 2016 idea. I still need to check out Justin Amash since I've never heard of him but I'm sure he would be good if Rand Paul approves of him.

    1. Thanks for reading, Rand! :)
      I think you just want Rand Paul to run so you have the same name as the president! haha!

  2. I was hoping you wouldn't notice that Amber. .......LOL

  3. Thanks for linking to my post about the fight against abortion. I really do believe we are winning the fight.
